Starting at King David Nursery/Pre-School

King David Nursery/Pre-School believes that care and education are education are equally important in the experience, which we offer children. The routines and activities that make up the pre-school and activities that make up the pre-school's session/day are provided in ways that:

  • help each child to feel that she/he is a valued member of the pre-school;
  • ensure the safety of each child;
  • help children to gain from the social experience of being part of a group;
  • provide children with oppurtunities to learn and help them to value learning

The First Days

We want your child to feel happy and safe at the pre-school. To make sure that this is the case, the staff will work with you to decide on how to help your child to settle into the pre-school. The Nursery/Pre-school has a policy about helping children to settle into the pre-school: a settling period of up to a week may be necessary. Please inform us of any religious or cultural belief's, which may prevent your child from participating in activities or partake in making snacks.